44, dentist, woodworker, photographer, ultra-marathon athlete, swimmer, married, 2 boys, living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
"It was the emblematic element of the photo which the jury liked: diving into water, daring and striving for excellence. The image shows the moment of competition when everything is still possible. " Olympic Museum.
"His surfing and water shots are truly sensational. Andre is also willing to experiment and it shows in the creativity of his captures" Harvey Schiller, Australia.
"Sinto-me privilegiada por tudo que acabo aprendendo com cada captura sua e, consequentemente, pelo aprimoramento da minha percepção visual" Angela Lago, Brazil.
"Андре,Спасибо за прекрасную работу, оригинальный подход и великолепное отношение к Нам! Я и Моя подруга получили неизгладимое впечатление о твоих работах!
При каждой поездке в Рио я буду обращаться именно к тебе!!!!" Irina Moskalchuk, Russia.
"Mi sento spesso così superficiale ad apprezzare così tanto i tuoi scatti, mi piacciono, tutti. Perchè? perchè mi permettono di "spiare" una vita così interessante un "soggetto" così completo e vivo e travolgente, come te." Giulia Tarantine, Italy.
"Andre is one of the most talented photographers you will find. He shoots timeless iconic images with a sense of ease. I have always looked forward to seeing his work as it is inspiring and incredible." The Potz, Canada.
"Fotógrafo amigo nosso que retrata água e pessoas como ninguém. Consegue transitar nos mais diversos ramos da fotografia com tranquilidade. as imagens podem ser bem coloridas ou p/b com alto contraste. O mais interessante é a sensibilidade aliada a velocidade, ele consegue capturar os momentos com a agilidade necessária para não perder o "timing" sem pecar na técnica. Vale muito conferir seu trabalho" Renato Carrano, Brazil.
"Dziś chcemy Wam pokazać, jak uchwycić morski krajobraz. Czasami nie trzeba szukać wyjątkowych krajobrazów czy nadmorskich pejzaży. Wystarczy sfotografować wodę. Zadanie z pozoru proste, może okazać się skomplikowane, gdy oprócz robienia zdjęć trzeba w tym samym momencie pływać. Jednak dla Andre Joaquim to pestka, bo sam czuje się jak ryba w wodzie. Oczywiście z aparatem." SwiatObrazu.pl , Poland.
"Andres Bilder strahlen eine Magie aus, die schwer in Worte zu fassen ist. Er fängt Momente und Atmosphäre ein, dass man beim Betrachten seiner Bilder das Gefühl hat, neben ihm gestanden und den Moment mit erlebt zu haben. Ich mag deinen sensiblen Blick für Menschen, Situationen und Atmosphäre. Niemals aufdringlich oder voyeuristisch, aber immer ganz nah dran.“ Maren Becker, Germany.
"他 是 穿梭遊走在晝日與黑夜, 海空中漂浮的星星,
他 的 影像就像隨著浪潮拍打,不斷在刺激你的視覺
也許是紀錄著永恆,也是紀錄著青春與光陰。" AstaQ. Lee - Image Creation / Storyteller / Photography. Taiwan
"To classify the dynamism of the 75 photos resulting from Andre’s expedition would be a fool’s errand. The breadth that they capture is without definition. Each image is a window into a gigantic world, a world that is a full experience of Qatar. Flawless highrises, weather eaten wooden boats, the wind’s etching on sand dunes, spice topped flatbreads. A falconer and his horse. Every photograph follows the previous and paints a more complete image of what kind of a place Qatar is. This is the edge of Qatar, the pieces on display, with leaks down to the center captured by Andre’s eye." Gallery Stock News. UK
استمتع كثيراً بمشاهده اعمال أندريه انه تمزج جميل بين الماء والسماء
عارف العماري (مصور قطري)
Aref Hussain, from Qatar Photographic Society
"His surfing and water shots are truly sensational. Andre is also willing to experiment and it shows in the creativity of his captures" Harvey Schiller, Australia.
"Sinto-me privilegiada por tudo que acabo aprendendo com cada captura sua e, consequentemente, pelo aprimoramento da minha percepção visual" Angela Lago, Brazil.
"Андре,Спасибо за прекрасную работу, оригинальный подход и великолепное отношение к Нам! Я и Моя подруга получили неизгладимое впечатление о твоих работах!
При каждой поездке в Рио я буду обращаться именно к тебе!!!!" Irina Moskalchuk, Russia.
"Mi sento spesso così superficiale ad apprezzare così tanto i tuoi scatti, mi piacciono, tutti. Perchè? perchè mi permettono di "spiare" una vita così interessante un "soggetto" così completo e vivo e travolgente, come te." Giulia Tarantine, Italy.
"Andre is one of the most talented photographers you will find. He shoots timeless iconic images with a sense of ease. I have always looked forward to seeing his work as it is inspiring and incredible." The Potz, Canada.
"Fotógrafo amigo nosso que retrata água e pessoas como ninguém. Consegue transitar nos mais diversos ramos da fotografia com tranquilidade. as imagens podem ser bem coloridas ou p/b com alto contraste. O mais interessante é a sensibilidade aliada a velocidade, ele consegue capturar os momentos com a agilidade necessária para não perder o "timing" sem pecar na técnica. Vale muito conferir seu trabalho" Renato Carrano, Brazil.
"Dziś chcemy Wam pokazać, jak uchwycić morski krajobraz. Czasami nie trzeba szukać wyjątkowych krajobrazów czy nadmorskich pejzaży. Wystarczy sfotografować wodę. Zadanie z pozoru proste, może okazać się skomplikowane, gdy oprócz robienia zdjęć trzeba w tym samym momencie pływać. Jednak dla Andre Joaquim to pestka, bo sam czuje się jak ryba w wodzie. Oczywiście z aparatem." SwiatObrazu.pl , Poland.
"Andres Bilder strahlen eine Magie aus, die schwer in Worte zu fassen ist. Er fängt Momente und Atmosphäre ein, dass man beim Betrachten seiner Bilder das Gefühl hat, neben ihm gestanden und den Moment mit erlebt zu haben. Ich mag deinen sensiblen Blick für Menschen, Situationen und Atmosphäre. Niemals aufdringlich oder voyeuristisch, aber immer ganz nah dran.“ Maren Becker, Germany.
"他 是 穿梭遊走在晝日與黑夜, 海空中漂浮的星星,
他 的 影像就像隨著浪潮拍打,不斷在刺激你的視覺
也許是紀錄著永恆,也是紀錄著青春與光陰。" AstaQ. Lee - Image Creation / Storyteller / Photography. Taiwan
"To classify the dynamism of the 75 photos resulting from Andre’s expedition would be a fool’s errand. The breadth that they capture is without definition. Each image is a window into a gigantic world, a world that is a full experience of Qatar. Flawless highrises, weather eaten wooden boats, the wind’s etching on sand dunes, spice topped flatbreads. A falconer and his horse. Every photograph follows the previous and paints a more complete image of what kind of a place Qatar is. This is the edge of Qatar, the pieces on display, with leaks down to the center captured by Andre’s eye." Gallery Stock News. UK
استمتع كثيراً بمشاهده اعمال أندريه انه تمزج جميل بين الماء والسماء
عارف العماري (مصور قطري)
Aref Hussain, from Qatar Photographic Society
Getty Images, 2010 - Presente data. Contribuidor do banco de imagens
Art+Commerce/Vogue, 2011- Presente data. Artista Art+Commerce/Vogue
Airbnb, 2011 - Presente data. Fotógrafo de interiores da Airbnb.
Urban Arts, 2015 - Presente data.
Artista da galeria com mais de 300 fotos selecionadas.
Artista da galeria com mais de 300 fotos selecionadas.
Estúdio, 2014 - Presente data.
Estúdio fotográfico próprio para retratos.
Estúdio fotográfico próprio para retratos.
Publicações em diversas mídias, impressas e eletrônicas, como a Vogue Itália, Revista Trisport, Revista Parafina, LFI-Leica Master Shot e La Piscine.
Participação em várias campanhas publicitárias por todo o mundo, como : Bank Of America, Embratel, Timberland, Dentsply.
Premiado no concurso do Museu Olímpico na Suíça, segundo lugar.
Capa do CD da banda Francesa “No Money Kids”.
Participante do “Years of Culture” de 2014 em Doha a convite do governo do Qatar.
Exposições coletivas em Quito, Marselie, Doha, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Berlin, NYC.